description |
Lists secondary literature about 'General Studies
about the European Emblem as a Genre and Form', 'Selected Motif studies' (motifs discussed: ape, Anteros (reciprocal
love), Aphrodite, Apollo (and Daphne), arms and legs fro the sky, bay, bees and honey, Colossus of Rhodes, crab and
butterfly, crows and sceptre,
cupid and bees, Daphne (and Apollo), death, deer, dog, eagle, elephant, elm and vine, Eros, five senses, Fortuna, Ganymede,
Graces, Hercules, hill,
ivy, labyrinth, leg, lion, love, mercury, nut tree, Ocnus, occasio, oldest animals, ouroboros, owl, Pandora, patience,
pearl, pelican, Prometheus,
putto, stag, snake, tennis, triton, vegetation, veritas filia temporis, vine, whale), 'General Studies of English Emblem
'Individual Authors and Works to 1700' (listing translations, microfilms, modern editions or reprints and studies),
'Manuscript Versions of Printed Books', 'Book-making', 'Studies in Apllied Forms',
'Studies in Extra-Literary Forms', 'Individual Authors and Works after 1700' and 'A Chronological List
of First Editions of English Emblematic Works Published to 1900'. Vaenius is discussed on pp.