This site belongs to the NWO (Dutch Organization for Scientific Research) research project, the
Emblem Project Utrecht, and was made possible by a
grant from the ICT centre of the
University of Utrecht's Faculty of Arts.
This site is based on Educational Modelling Language (EML), an open source standard of the
Open University of the Netherlands.
Additional information can be found at this site.
The idea behind EML is the development of a world standard for encoding educational material.
Such a systematic coding will then not only relate to the contents (teaching material), but also to
learning patterns, learning activities and the interaction between student and teacher.
This site is developed for students who are in the second phase of the Dutch and Flemish secondary education
(for additional information on the contents and purpose of this site, go to the options 'student information'
and/or 'teacher information', which can be found on the default page).
In secondary education, the phrase 'second phase' refers to the last two years of
HAVO (senior general secondary education, equivalent to the British O-Levels) and
the last three years of VWO (university preparatory education, equivalent to the British A-Levels).
A goal of the second phase is to teach students to work independently and enable them to plan their homework.
The idea behind this is to create a better transition from secondary school to their future studies.
This site is accessible to all who are interested in Dutch love emblems.
For questions and/or comments, please contact the editorial staff.
Editorial Staff
Jayme Blans, Astrid Callista, Michel de Gruijter, Els Stronks.