Latet hostis; & otia ducis? [7]
![Sacred love touches the shoulder of the soul who is seated on a globe which encircles hell tm1627007pict](/static/images//tm1627/pictura/01070036.jpg)
Latet hostis; & otia ducis?
PAlladis auspiciis stetit ingens gloria Troiæ,
Diues opum, factis inclyta, Marte potens;
Dum labor, & solers defendit mœnia Virtus,
Curaque peruigiles constitit ante fores.
Ast vbi fugerunt cum Pallade Palladis artes,
Arma vbi cum longo seposuere metu:
Incustoditos mox scandit machina muros
Fœta viris, Graiæ lugubre fraudis opus.
Quos non mille rates, nec vis, nec tela, nec enses,
Non Mars, non anniperdomuere decem;
Otia damnarunt somno, vinoque sepultos;
Vnica tot Regum nox populauit opes.
Euigilate Phryges, latet intra mœnia pestis:
Hostis habet muros; euigilate Phryges.
Dormiuêre: sopor ligat ægros vltimus artus,
Victaque claudit iners lumina credulitas.
Diffugiet somnus, piceo cum fumeus ore
Inuisum faciet Mulciber ire diem:
Barbaricum victrix cum cinget flamma cubile,
Et Priamum pictis exciet è thalamis.
Serò Phryges sapient: sic constant otia magno.
Otia, qui falso niteris Orbe, fuge.
Otia quæ blando cænit Orbis murmure, fallunt:
Maior in Orbe dolus, quàm Phryge clausus eq
Non Ithacus, fallaxúe Sinon hac delitet aluo.
Mille latent pestes, funera mille latent.
In Cyprios fera mille parat tormenta nepotes,
Mille parat vindex Thesiphonea faces.
Non tam pestiferos accendit Vesuius ignes,
Nec tam funereis æstuat Æthna rogis:
Ah! æstus Venerem non exsudabis ad istos?
O puer in pœnas desidiose tuas!
Bis malesane puer, vitâ cum ludis, & igni!
Funera quæ rabies Empedoclæa sequi?
Nitrea sulphurei subter te pulueris olla,
Ingens olla, leui mox animanda face;
Proripe te, fundo mox Terra dehiscet ab imo,
Styx tibi mox vastos pandet opaca sinus.
Ignes igne doma: Mundum fuge, Cyprida vita:
Materies stygijs non magis apta facis.
Diues opum, factis inclyta, Marte potens;
Dum labor, & solers defendit mœnia Virtus,
Curaque peruigiles constitit ante fores.
Ast vbi fugerunt cum Pallade Palladis artes,
Arma vbi cum longo seposuere metu:
Incustoditos mox scandit machina muros
Fœta viris, Graiæ lugubre fraudis opus.
Quos non mille rates, nec vis, nec tela, nec enses,
Non Mars, non anniperdomuere decem;
Otia damnarunt somno, vinoque sepultos;
Vnica tot Regum nox populauit opes.
Euigilate Phryges, latet intra mœnia pestis:
Hostis habet muros; euigilate Phryges.
Dormiuêre: sopor ligat ægros vltimus artus,
Victaque claudit iners lumina credulitas.
Diffugiet somnus, piceo cum fumeus ore
Inuisum faciet Mulciber ire diem:
Barbaricum victrix cum cinget flamma cubile,
Et Priamum pictis exciet è thalamis.
Serò Phryges sapient: sic constant otia magno.
Otia, qui falso niteris Orbe, fuge.
Otia quæ blando cænit Orbis murmure, fallunt:
Maior in Orbe dolus, quàm Phryge clausus eq
Non Ithacus, fallaxúe Sinon hac delitet aluo.
Mille latent pestes, funera mille latent.
In Cyprios fera mille parat tormenta nepotes,
Mille parat vindex Thesiphonea faces.
Non tam pestiferos accendit Vesuius ignes,
Nec tam funereis æstuat Æthna rogis:
Ah! æstus Venerem non exsudabis ad istos?
O puer in pœnas desidiose tuas!
Bis malesane puer, vitâ cum ludis, & igni!
Funera quæ rabies Empedoclæa sequi?
Nitrea sulphurei subter te pulueris olla,
Ingens olla, leui mox animanda face;
Proripe te, fundo mox Terra dehiscet ab imo,
Styx tibi mox vastos pandet opaca sinus.
Ignes igne doma: Mundum fuge, Cyprida vita:
Materies stygijs non magis apta facis.
Hola! esueille toy; que Morpheus le pipeur
Glissé dedans vos yeux ne te plonge en malheur.
Voyez que de bien pres talonoit la ruine,
Le feu s'estant des-ja faict maistre de la mine.
Glissé dedans vos yeux ne te plonge en malheur.
Voyez que de bien pres talonoit la ruine,
Le feu s'estant des-ja faict maistre de la mine.
Sources and parallels
Remake of image, figure of Cupid holding a net added, the wings of Amor divinus removed, female figure as Anima taking
place of Amor humanus, in: Incuria Amoris [22] (in: Ludovicus van Leuven, Amoris divini et humani antipathia (1629))
Compare: Quarles, Emblems, divine and moral
, embl. 1.7
References, across this site, to this page:
- Incuria Amoris [22] (in: Ludovicus van Leuven, Amoris divini et humani antipathia (1629))
Sacred love touches the shoulder of the soul who is seated on a globe which encircles hell- angel(s) represented as child(ren)
- devils in the form of (fabulous) animals
- activities of devil(s)
- fire (one of the four elements)
- radiance emanating from persons or things
- globe
- trees (+ stump, stub)
- sitting with hand(s) resting on the thigh or knee
- head held in the hand(s), with elbows leaning on an elevation or on the knees
- gripping someone by the shoulder
- sleeping; unconsciousness - BB - out of doors
- on fire, ablaze
- archer's weapons: bow
- ox (+ dying animal; death of animal; dead animal)
- Carelessness (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- Sluggishness, Inertia; 'Dapocaggine', 'Pigritia' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- Danger; 'Pericolo' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of
- Evasion of Duty, Dereliction of Duty (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- proverbs, sayings, etc. (with TEXT)
- sleeping Cupid; possibly signifying a slackening of Love's influence