Le Soleil dissipant des Nuages
![The sun chasing away the clouds f16913403](/static/images//f1691/pictura/beeld3403.jpg)
Le Soleil dissipant des Nuages
Ut vidi, vici
Dés que je les ay vûs, ils ont été vaincus
Sono state vinte si tosto che l’hanno veduto
Luego que las hè visto, son vencidas
Zy vvaren verwonnen zoo haast als zy hem zagen
As soon she appeared they vvere overcome
So bald er sie anschauete, vvaren sie überwunden
Sources and parallels
- De la Feuille, Devises Et Emblemes 1697 [web]
, p/no. 34/3
References, across this site, to this page:
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The sun chasing away the clouds- sun represented as face, wheel, etc.
- clouds
- Victory (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- proverbs, sayings, etc. (with TEXT)